投资者 & 《市场:大选年要注意什么



Current events matter, and this year, the 2024 Presidential Elections are taking center stage.

That’s rattling a lot of us, causing more election stress than ever before.1

It’s also raising a lot of questions about investing in election years, 如何应对市场不确定性, 而资金的流动才是真正有意义的.

Here’s a handful of key factors to keep in mind when you’re investing in an election year.

在选举年,投资者可能会犯错的5件事(& 如何处理它们)

大选年, 尤其是那些有总统候选人参加投票的, 能拨通情绪吗, 焦虑, 以及对美国政治和金融生活的普遍狂热.1 不管你今年是否有这种感觉, don’t let the factors below get in the way of prudent financial choices and your big-picture goals.

1. 政治“噪音” & 偏见

恐怖新闻引起关注, 点击, 和眼球, and election years can give rise to all sorts of unsettling headlines and stories.2

这就是为什么越来越多的头条关注恐惧的原因之一, 愤怒, 以及这些天恶心的话题.2

It’s also why more of us find ourselves doom scrolling and second-guessing the media.2,3

在大选年,无论我们去哪里寻找新闻, 我们可能会被令人担忧的信息和“如果……会怎样”淹没,,这可能会让我们想出每一个最坏的情况.4

With that, we’re more likely to overestimate the risks and impacts of the other party’s policies.5,6

专业技巧坚持从几个值得信赖的媒体来源获取新闻. 不要把时间花在阅读、观看或收听新闻上. 如果你需要每天查看头条,那就留出几分钟的时间. 也, 关闭新闻应用的推送通知, 这样你就可以按照自己的时间和条件看新闻了.

2. 短期前景

总统大选在即, 很多人都在关注谁在竞选, 他们承诺的是什么, 以及如果他们赢了会怎么做. 这会使我们的思维转向短期, making us far more sensitive to the smaller market hiccups that may occur in election years.7

It can also mean we put far too much weight into the results of any given election.

专业技巧记住,市场不会 实际上 关心选举和总统本身. 政策更重要.7 +, 无论哪一党入主白宫, 大多数选举年股市都是上涨的, 选举结束后会更加稳定.8 So, try not to zero in on the 2024 (or any) Presidential Election results as making it or breaking it for your financial life and future.

3. 忽视趋势(或不花时间去了解它们)

Election year stock trends can show that the markets may be less volatile than you expect around election time.8 事实上, 在过去的一个世纪里,大多数选举年的回报率都是正的, 即使在美国历史上一些最具政治争议的选举期间也是如此.S. 历史. 这包括最近的三次选举:8,9

  • 2020年,乔·拜登获胜,市场回报率为18.4%.
  • 2016年,唐纳德·特朗普获胜&P回报率为11.96%.
  • 2012 when sitting President Barack Obama was reelected, and market returns were 16%.

That macro trend and others can ease our election stress and help us put the drama of politics in its place. 和 its place should not be the driver’s seat when it comes to our financial decisions.

专业技巧: Get up to speed with or brush up on general market trends in election years. 当你这样做的时候,记住下一部分是至关重要的.

4. 试图把握市场时机

把握市场时机可能是一种愚蠢的游戏. That’s why most pros say time in the markets is far better than timing the markets.

和 if your long-term goals and overall circumstances haven’t really changed, wild changes in your investment strategies may not make a whole lot of sense, 不管是不是总统选举年.

专业技巧: Don’t base your financial moves on politics, trending stories, or heat-of-the-moment panics. 和, 还记得, if you’re pulling out of the markets because of an election or who won it, 你可能是在自讨苦吃. That’s because you could miss out on the returns and stronger market performance that tend to occur in years three and four of an election cycle.8

5. 没有咨询财务专家

对于选举这样的重大日博best365下载,不确定性是很自然的. 我们谁也不知道事情会怎样发展, 从财务角度来看,这可能会让人伤脑筋. 试图独自平衡所有这些可能是一个错误.

专业技巧: If you’re considering a major money move before or because of an election, 先找专业人士谈谈. 与金融专业人士联系, 尤其是在选举年, can offer the insights and advice you may need to make better financial choices in and outside of any election year.


  1. http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/10/election-stress
  2. http://www.vox.com/the-highlight/23596969/bad-news-negativity-bias-media
  3. http://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2020/01/24/u-s-media-polarization-and-the-2020-election-a-nation-divided/
  4. http://hbr.org/2020/09/what-to-do-when-your-mind-always-dwells-on-the-worst-case-scenario
  5. http://www.commonwealth.com/insights/investing-in-an-election-year
  6. http://www.ussc.edu.au/the-peril-of-modern-democracy-short-term-thinking-in-a-long-term-world
  7. http://www.usbank.com/investing/financial-perspectives/market-news/how-presidential-elections-affect-the-stock-market.html
  8. http://www.visualcapitalist.com/u-s-stock-market-perform-election-years/#google_vignette
  9. http://www.slickcharts.com/sp500/returns

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel. Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, 包括他们自己的私人法律或税务顾问. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a specific investment or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. This material was developed and produced by Advisor Websites to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 版权所有2024 Advisor网站.